Disclosure Policy
The purpose of this blog is to share stories and ideas based upon our personal experience, and Rawka Family is committed to providing quality content and honest information to you. You can be assured that any recommendations given on our blog for products or services are the result of our honest opinion, belief or experiences. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are solely that of Rawka Family.
In accordance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines, in order to help support our family, we accept certain forms of paid advertising on our website and also use affiliate links in blog posts when appropriate. Sometimes when you click on an ad or an affiliate link to make a purchase, Rawka Family will earn an advertising fee.
Rawka Family is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
Advertisements on our website that are generated by a third-party advertisement network may not be for products specifically recommended by Rawka Family, but we hope that they will be relevant to you.